So as I’m typing this I’m sitting on what I hope will be my couch for the next eight months. Finding an apartment here in Jumilla has been more difficult than I thought it would be. I decided not to go with the guy; he was making me nervous with his impatience. So now I’m at the apartment with the two girls. I felt pretty good about my decision as I started moving in, BUT THEN (I know, what now?) I smelled cigarette smoke. Oh my gosh, no! I have lived with a lot of things. I’ve lived with cockroaches falling out of my cabinets, I’ve lived with dirty dishes in the sink for weeks, I’ve lived with suitemates who have strange smells coming from their rooms, but I CANNOT live with cigarette smoke.  Awesome, I had to start looking for yet another place to live. I felt bad calling Toni to complain about the smoke, but she was very understanding and immediately started looking for other pisos. Later the next day I gathered up my courage to talk to Ani. I walked into the kitchen and gave her the bad news. After I told Ani I couldn’t live with her because of the smoke she said, “Ok, I’ll stop smoking.”


Well that was easy. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “How is she going to just stop smoking?” But Ani only started smoking a few months ago. She had mentioned that she wanted to stop smoking and so, I was her reason to stop. So we’re going to try it. Which means, I HAVE AN APARTMENT IN SPAIN!!! Whoo! I slept for eleven hours after I unpacked everything. I was super stressed out  haha.

Today I went to the grocery store and did pretty well, except I bought cabbage instead of lettuce. Don’t judge me, they look the same! I also went to a football game (soccer for you people from North America) and after the game was over, two other teams came out onto the court (it was indoor soccer). So I assumed another game was starting and I stayed to watch. While they were warming up they were using their hands a lot with the ball and the ball was a lot smaller than a soccer ball. But I’ve never seen a Spanish team warm up before so I assumed it was for practice. But then the goalie got into the goal to warm up. Instead of kicking the ball at the goalie, they threw it at him! And they were throwing really hard! It was then I realized that this was not football. No these men were playing Balon Mano. As I watched I started to see that this was a mixture between Basketball and Football (soccer). They bounce these little balls and throw them at the goal where the goalie has to block the shot. It was very interesting. Although fouls exist in this game, I couldn’t tell what a foul was because there was a lot of holding that appeared to be legal.  So I learned about a new sport today. And I did it all by myself! I’m such a big girl, haha.

For all of you who told me I was going to find my Spanish boyfriend here, you may be a little disappointed.  So far, I’ve been hit on by an old man and a group of middle school boys.  The boys were really funny. They thought I was French at first and then they guessed every country under the sun except for the United States. Guess my accent isn’t too bad.  Anyways so when they found out I was from the States they started asking me how to say all these different words and phrases in English.  One of them asked me to sing a song, so I sang happy birthday and they all thought I was a great singer. They were fun but a little young for me. So no boyfriend yet, sorry.

Right now I don’t have internet so I’m writing this on Saturday. Hopefully we’ll figure out the internet situation soon.

Thanks for reading!


10/10/2011 01:39:51 pm

Well good luck with the couch, hope it works out for all of you. Wow you really read my mine I will have to pray that Ani is able to stop smoking for both of you. But congrats on getting the boy free apt…. Eleven hours that was a long nap. I am really proud of you. I am not going to make your post any longer by trying to response to everything you write, just know I am reading and enjoying your colorful post. Have fun, be safe, do a great job, and keep writing. “Boys hum…
Love you.

Thanks for writing


THX for info

1/28/2012 02:35:32 am

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3/28/2012 05:11:22 am

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7/16/2012 12:25:47 pm

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