So I'm starting to get pretty nervous about Spain. Here are a few reasons why:

1. For one thing, orientation is on the 29th of this month in Madrid and I have yet to receive my visa. No visa means no plane ticket which means I have no set departure date. However, I recently was told about which gives discounts to students, people under 26 and teachers. They still have tickets under $600 going to Madrid this month so I might be ok.

2. I haven't started packing yet. I don't even know where to start! I mean of course I know I need to pack clothes, but I still haven't gotten adapters for the plugs or an international cell phone or things for the plane (i.e. travel pillow and blanket). I feel really overwhelmed and I wish someone would just give me a magic list with everything I am going to need PLUS tell me how to pack it all so that I don't go over weight limits at the airport. Alas, I'm am not a Disney princess and there are no such things as packing genies.

3. I have no money. I never have any money which is starting to concern me. I never feel that this is a fault of mine. I don't know where the money goes, it just disappears. Oh wait, I know where it went most recently; to my visa application. $140 for the application itself plus $45 for the translation of the Apostille plus $38 to overnight the application to Miami including the fee to have them overnight it back to me....this sentence is starting to run on. I'm hoping that I can do a better job handling my money in Spain but I know all those excursions are going to get me.

4. EVERYONE seems to be so much more prepared than me! We have a group on Facebook for all the Cultural Ambassadors and everyone is talking about bank accounts and planning excursions. Some people are already in Spain, living it up. I don't even have a plane ticket. Maybe this is all just some terrible joke that the world is playing on me. Maybe I'm not really going to Spain at all.

That's most likely not true considering I've received my placement. I'm going to be in the region of Murcia at a school in Jumilla. I've already been in contact with a teacher from the school who has offered to help me in any way possible. She's already started looking for apartments for me (which is not the case for everyone, I know)!  Plus, I've been in contact with a guy who was in Jumilla last year and who has put me in contact with a girl who lives across the street from my school!

So not everything is bad. It does appear that I will have a place to sleep when I get there, or at least some people to talk to. All in all, I'm really excited. I'm freaking out, but I'm excited. Once I've packed everything, I'll write a post about it, just in case any future ambassadors stumble across my blog. Please post any comments that you have!

Thanks for reading!
Sean Lewis
9/13/2011 05:52:24 am

Hey Arisha!

I graduated from FSU this year with a major in Spanish and Media Production. You actually look familiar. We probably had a couple classes together. Funny enough, I'm doing the Cultural Ambassadors program and I was placed in Murcia as well! I'll be teaching at a school in El Palmar, just south of the city. I am currently experiencing just about the same worries/problems as you about the trip except I already have my plane ticket. I got it at a couple weeks ago for $392. I know that sounds awesome but I haven't received my visa yet either. As a matter of fact, I haven't even gotten to send out my application. I'm waiting to get my apostilled FBI background check back. Juan José told me to send it to the Tallahassee Department of State and that it'd take a few days but it's been a week and a half. I also heard that Tallahassee can't apostille FBI documents-only state issued documents or something. So I'm glad I got my plane ticket for so cheap because it's becoming more apparent everyday that I will have to cancel this flight and lose my money. I'm hoping that I will get back the background check today or tomorrow but if it doesn't have the apostille I will have to send it over to DC and I heard that process takes 8-10 weeks. That on top of the 2-4 weeks visa turnaround it will probably be Christmas by the time I can head over to Spain.

What did you do to get your FBI background check apostilled? DC or Tallahassee? How long did it take you?

Aside from my worries and slight negativity (that I'm sure everyone is experiencing/has experienced due to this horrible application process) I am really excited to get to Spain and start exploring, teaching, and meeting new people. I think that's great you have a blog about the trip. I'll definitely keep reading!

Hasta luego!

Sean Lewis

9/13/2011 07:46:11 am

Heyy! DON'T PANIC! I am just as disorganised as you (if not more) and am currently just floating about in denial about the fact that i am leaving in 10 days!! Embrace the spontaneous-ness, it is all we can do... :D x

9/13/2011 08:03:42 am

How cool is it that you went to FSU?! Spanish was my minor so we probably did have some classes together. As far as my Apostille, I sent it to DC but I sent it express and included an express envelope for them to send back to me. It took two weeks I think, not very long. And I'm hoping that the visa won't take long. I did the same process of express mail with envelope included. Christina (the woman we've been receiving emails from in Murcia) told me that there is another orientation on the 15th of October so hopefully we can all be there for that. I'm sure you'll make it before Christmas!

Thanks for the encouragement. Glad to know I'm not the only one floating haha!


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