I love the adventurous spirits of my friends. It's something that we share in common. One friend is on his way to Tokyo for the summer, another to Bolivia for two years, and I'll be going to Spain in October. Plus I have friends all over Florida and New York, and dancing has helped me to make new friends in places like South Carolina and Philadelphia. It amazes me that people can stay in one place for their entire lives and be perfectly content. There is so much to see and do and so many cool people to meet. When people find out I'm going to Spain for eight months some of them say, "Wow, I couldn't do that," and all I can think in response is, "How can you not want to do it?" But then I realize that it's an unknown. Who knows what will happen in my travels? The unknown is a scary place and it's what holds people back from doing crazy things like moving to a completely different state or living in a foreign country. Why leave the comfort of your current life when there is no guarantee that you will have that comfort again in a new place?

Yes, I am freaked out about living in Spain for eight months. What if I don't like the city I'm living in? What if my Spanish isn't as good as I thought it was? What if I get homesick? All of these doubts run through my mind but there is one thought that keeps me going, "This is going to be an amazing adventure." Despite all of the fears in my mind, I'm still so excited to go and live in a new environment. I know that I will have some great experiences and that I will make a great life for myself while I am there. I can't allow the fears to control my life; I can't get too comfortable.

It helps to have those adventurous friends. Even if we aren't going to the same countries, I know that they are experiencing some of the same feelings I am, and that they can support me along the way. We're living our lives to the fullest, together even when we are apart.

The ending is a bit sappy but you know you love it :)